Top 7 Best Caron Capture Technology

To keep global warming within the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limits depends upon removing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere using a mix of land-based carbon sinks and technological removal approaches, in addition to accelerated action to cut emissions.

Carbon Capture Technology (CCT) is applied science, used for capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) before it had released into reprocessing sites. Most carbon capture companies work on the principles of economic utilization of renewable resources of fuel energy and cost-effectiveness of the fuel energy produced to market-share.

This informative article aims to provide a brief history of the development of Carbon Capture Technology, and describes the top 7 carbon capture technologies:

1. CCS

Carbon Capture and Storage/Sequester is the process of capturing and storing carbon dioxide (CO2) before it is released into the atmosphere. CO2 Capture and Storage and utilization is an Important Strategy to Reduce Global CO2 Emissions, As well as The global warming that caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its adverse impact on the country’s economy.

The basic idea of CCS – capturing CO2 and preventing it from being released into the atmosphere was first suggested in 1977; using existing technology in new ways. CO2 capture technology has been used since the 1920s for separating CO2 sometimes found in natural gas reservoirs from the saleable methane gas.

Shute Creek ope

Pros and cons of CCS Technology

 Carbon Capture Storage/Sequester is one of the most commonly used types of carbon capture technology. Also, it happens to be one of the fastest-growing sources of reducing co2 emissions and produce additional fuel. However, while there are several environmental benefits to using CSS, there are some downsides. Here are a few of the top pros and cons:

Pros CCS Technology

Cons CCS Technology

reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Energy intensive process

Generate reliable and affordable power.

Hazards from sudden accidental leakage of CO2

Enrich concrete

complexity of its industrial processes

Create more fuel

It requires considerable energy input

Types of CCS Technology

Carbon capture and storage consist of three main methods based on the combustion of carbon dioxide:

  1.  Pre-combustion: 

It refers to removing CO2 from fossil fuels before combustion is completed, plus it’s  largely used in industrial processes.

2. Post-combustion:

It refers to capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from a flue gas generated after combusting a carbon-based fuel, such as coal or natural gas.

3. Oxy-fuel combustion:

 Oxygen-Enriched Combustion. When a fuel is burned, oxygen in the combustion air chemically combines with the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel to form water and carbon dioxide, releasing heat in the process.


As of 2019 there are 17 operating CCS projects in the world, capturing 31.5 Mt of CO2 per year, of which 3.7 is stored geologically. Most are industrial not power plants: industries such as cement, steelmaking and fertiliser production are hard to decarbonize.

Top applications of CCS:

  • Natural gas processing
  • Refining fuels like petroleum
  • Generate Electricity
  • Hydrogen fuel production
  • Global warming mitigation

ExampleShute Creek Project

 2. CCUS

Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage is a muti-methods and technologies operation. That aims to capture carbon dioxide emissions from sources like fossil fuel plants and either reuses or stores it so it will not enter the atmosphere.

After years of a declining investment pipeline, plans for more than 30 new integrated CCUS facilities have been announced since 2017. 

Alberta Carbon Trunk Line operational site image

Pros and Cons of CCUS;

There are both advantages and pitfalls of utilizing CO2 using CCUS technology. Here are a few to keep in mind:

Pros CCUS Technology

Cons CCUS Technology

High reduction of CO2

Commodity products get less competitive

production of additional fuel

Expensive up-front

Cost-effective technology

involvement  of Mutli-methods

Cost effective

The report published on CCUS that the technology can be applied to these facilities at a cost as low as USD 20-50 (United States dollars) per ton of CO2 in some cases, and provides an opportunity to reduce CO2 emissions by avoiding the current practice of venting CO2 to the atmosphere.


CCUS accounts for nearly 15% of the cumulative reduction in emissions in the Sustainable Development Scenario. Moving the net-zero goalposts from 2020 to 2050 would require almost 50% more CCUS deployment.

Top applications of CCUS:

  • Reduce CO2 emissions
  • Enhance oil recovery
  • Produce Hydrogen fuel
  • Mitigating climate change

Examples.  Alberta Carbon Trunk Line (ACTL)


Bio-energy Carbon Capture & Storage is referred to the process of extracting bioenergy from biomass and capturing and storing the carbon, thereby removing it from the atmosphere. The carbon in the biomass comes from the greenhouse gas CO2. That's extracted from the atmosphere by the biomass when it grows.

As of 2019, five facilities around the world are actively using BECCS technologies and capturing approximately 1.5 million tons per year of CO2. Wide deployment of BECCS is constrained by cost and availability of biomass.

Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage operational site  

Pros and Cons of BECCS

Like all carbon capture technologies, BECCS comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Here are the main tidal energy pros and cons:

Pros BECCS Technology

Cons BECCS Technology

High reduction of CO2

It uses more of valuable resources.

provides reliable low-carbon energy

It requires high amounts of organic matter to function.

Net Zero emission of CO2

It releases CO2 that been captured by organic matter

low cost effeteness

Ineffective to rely too heavily

Cost effective

The cost  is estimated vary widely, with one recent expert assessment projecting costs of US$100–200 per ton of CO2 sequestered and another projecting costs of US$20–100 per ton.


BECCS also face technical concerns about efficiency of burning biomass. While each type of biomass has a different heating value, biomass in general is a low-quality fuel. Thermal conversion of biomass typically has an efficiency of 20-27%.

Top applications of CCUS:

  • Ethanol production
  • Biogas production
  • Electrical power plants
  • Heat power plants
  • Pulp and paper mills

Example: Illinois Industrial Carbon Capture and Storage (ICCS)

 4. DAC

Direct air capture is a technology to capture CO2 from the atmosphere. Also referred to the process of capturing carbon dioxide directly from the ambient air and generating a concentrated stream of CO 2 for sequestration or utilization or production of carbon-neutral fuel.

DAC was suggested in 1999 and is still in development, though several commercial plants are in operation or planning across Europe and the US.

Carbon Engineering Project outlook 

Pros and Cons of DAC

Direct air capture comes with some key advantages and disadvantages. Here are a few to keep in mind:

Pros DAC Technology

Cons DAC Technology

Full-scale Technology

Energy intensive process

DAC system can be sited anywhere

Expensive Technology

DAC system produces additional fuels

Water consumption concern

Net Zero emission of CO2

It requires considerable energy input

Cost Effective

Depending on the rate of deployment, which can accelerate through supportive policies and market development, costs for DAC could fall to around $150-$200 per ton of CO2 over the next 5-10 years. The technology requires further research to determine its cost-effectiveness.


Both DAC and Air to fuel technologies have been proven at the pilot plant and are now being scaled up into commercial markets. Individual DAC facilities can be built to capture 1 million tons of CO2 per year. At that scale, one Carbon Engineering air capture plant could negate the emissions from ~250,000 cars—either by sequestering the CO2 or by using the recycled carbon dioxide as a feedstock to produce synthetic fuel.

Top applications of DAC:

  • Capture CO2 from the Air
  • Enhance Oil Recovery
  • Production of Carbon-based Fuel
  • Beverage Carbonation
  • Carbon Sequestration
  • Improving Concrete Strength
  • Creating Carbon-neutral Concrete Alternative
  • Enrichment of Air in Greenhouses
  • Mitigating climate change

ExampleCarbon Engineering

 5.  OCR 

Ocean-based Carbon Removal is a process in which carbon dioxide gas (CO2) is removed from the atmosphere and sequestered through ocean-based technology for long periods.

Potential Approaches to storing carbon in the ocean 

New solar islands could turn oceanic CO2 back into clean fuel.

Pros and cons of OCR

OCR has been used to capture CO2 and utilize it for further applications, and as with any carbon capture technology, it comes with various advantages and disadvantages.

Pros OCR Technology

Cons OCR Technology

Tons of CO2 absorbed by new growth of phytoplankton

It has less potential to sequester carbon over the long term.

Enhance weathering of minerals added to the oceans

It effects local and regional food productivity

Large-scale ocean fertilizations

Vast algal blooms could cause eutrophication

Cost Effective

A crucial issue for CDR is the cost, which differs substantially among the different methods: some of these are not sufficiently developed to perform cost assessments. A study estimated the cost of Ocean-based carbon removal as between $150 to $300 per ton of carbon dioxide.


A consensus report by NASEM concluded that using existing CDR methods at scales that can be safely and economically deployed, there is potential to remove and sequester up to 10 Gigatons of carbon dioxide per year. This would offset greenhouse gas emissions at about a fifth of the rate at which they are being produced.

Top Applications of OCR technology

  • Recovery of ocean and coastal ecosystems,
  • Iron, nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization
  • Artificial upwelling and down-welling
  • Electrochemical ocean CDR approaches      
  • Seaweed cultivation
  • Ocean alkalinity enhancement
  • Mitigating climate change

Example: OCS, Inc.

 6. Biochar

Bochar is charcoal-like substance that’s made by burning organic material from agricultural and forestry wastes (also called biomass). It’s is produced during pyrolysis, a thermal decomposition of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment. Biochar is ideal for building resilient green infrastructure. Its high chemical and physical absorption capacity enhances nutrient cycling, water collection and contaminant, toxin and heavy metal removal in a natural, long-lasting manner.

In the 1960s, a Dutch soil scientist, Wim Sombroek, discovered a soil rich in black matter in the Amazon basin of Brazil, Which latter become known as Biochar.

Biochar Solutions' production equipment


Pros and cons of Biochar technology

 Of all the common benefits and drawbacks that come with Biochar technology, here are a few of the ones that consistently rise to the top:

Pros Biochar Technology

Cons Biochar Technology

The potential to store carbon in the soil medium for long term

Biochar fights against desertification in drylands is absolutely not proven

Biofuel production and development of the carbon market

It could increase the activity of soil microbes

Boost soil's fertility

Some Biochar act as a source of contaminants

increased yields of up to a doubling

It reduces the efficacy of  pesticides and herbicides 

Cost Effective

Pyrolysis might be cost-effective for a combination of sequestration and energy production when the cost of a CO2   ton reaches $37

In general, the biochars produced at higher temperature had better CO2 capture performance. It’s porous structure and unique surface properties enable it to be an efficient CO2 adsorbent, while being sustainable and inexpensive.

Top applications of Biochar

  • Carbon sink
  • Water retention
  • Soil amendment
  • Improving Soil Quality
  • Energy production: bio-oil and syngas
  • Global warming mitigation

Example: Carbo Culture

 7.  APT

The artificial photosynthesis technology is the system that includes an enzyme bed reactor to fix CO2 in the air (or any other source needing CO2 to be removed).

Artificial photosynthesis was first anticipated by the Italian chemist Giacomo Ciamician during 1912. In a lecture that was later published in Science, he proposed a switch from the use of fossil fuels to radiant energy provided by the sun and captured by technical photochemistry devices.


APT basic  working mechanism 

Image Courtesy BIONINJA

Pros of APT

Cons of APT

carbon-neutral source of energy

Complexity of its industrial processes


Produce additional fuel such as: Hydrogen and methane

Expensive up-front

The solar energy can be immediately converted and stored

Photo-damage may occur over time

The byproducts of these reactions are environmentally friendly.

The cost is not (yet) advantageous enough to compete with fossil fuels

Cost effective

Because artificial photosynthesis is a newer technology, The cost targets for hydrogen produced by those devices are not as aggressive. The goal is to reach $7.00 per kilogram produced by artificial leaves by 2020, says Sunita Satyapal, director of the Fuel Cell Technologies Office.


Even the most efficient plants convert only about 2 %. Algae and cyanobacteria are more efficient: they can potentially utilize 5–10 % of solar energy. In the field of artificial photosynthesis, an efficiency of 18-20 % appears attainable in practice and the theoretical limit is roughly 40 %.

Top applications of APT

  • Enhance oil and gas production
  • Electricity production
  • Hydrogen fuel production 
  • Green energy
  • Economical and co-friendly
  • Global warming mitigation 

Example: Climeworks Project

Summary on Top 7 Best Carbon Capture Technology



Average CO2 Capturing Capacity per one Project.


Cost Effective   








7.0 MT Per Annum



USD 50– 125 Per Ton of Co2 Sequestered


Wyoming, USA


Shute Creek Project




14.6 MT Per Annum


USD 15-25 Per Ton of Co2  Sequestered


Alberta, Canada


ACTL Project




1.5  MT Per Annum


USD 14– 400 Per Ton of Co2 Sequestered


Illinois, USA


ICCS Project




1.0 MT Per Annum


USD 50-200 Per Ton of Co2  Sequestered


B.C, Canada



Carbon Engineering




0.5  MT Per Annum


USD 200-300 Per Ton of Co2  Sequestered


New Mexico, USA


OBCS, Inc.




1.0 MT Per Annum


USD 50-100 Per Ton of Co2  Sequestered


Zurich, Switzerland


Climeworks Project




3.2 MT Per Annum


USD 30-120  Per Ton of Co2 Sequestered


USA & Finland


Carbo Culture


Abbreviations used: 

MT –––––  Million Tons of CO₂ Per Year

CO2  ––––  Carbon Dioxide

CCS  ––––   Carbon Capture And Sequestering/Storage

CCUS  –––  Carbon Capture, Utilization And Storage

BECCS  ––– Bio-Energy With Carbon Capture And Storage

DAS  ––––– Direct Air Capture

OCR  ––––   Ocean-Based Carbon Removal

APT –––––   Artificial Photosynthesis Technology

Biochar ––  Charcoal That Is Produced By Pyrolysis of Biomass



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