Artificial Photosynthesis Tree (APT)

This is study case project- A yet theoretical demonstration of an idea of start-up project that capture CO2 and recycle it into carbonated products and fresh air (O2) to provide sustainable economic in-return.

Artificial Photosynthesis Tree (e-Tree - Etree).

APT is carbon capture technology proposed project, under-study, which work in sequestering carbon dioxide to further products via joining solar panel and  artificial photosynthesis technology on a single tree.

The artificial photosynthesis technology is the system that includes an enzyme bed reactor to fix CO2 in the air (or any other source needing CO2 to be removed). This reactor is fueled by hydrogen energy and bioelectric transducers.

How does it work?

Processing here refers to the processing that takes place inside a designed processor device. The processor treats inhaled carbon dioxide with water to produce green energy fuel and fresh new air. 

Etree Technology:

The Renewable green energy provider for a sustainable period, It uses artificial photosynthesis technology to capture and store co2 and reprocess it to produce fuel and clean air.

Courtesy solar tribune 

Click here, to know more about the procedures and the project work plan of APT technology.

APT main parts: 

Types of Photosynthesis:

  1. Natural Photosynthesis.
 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
  • The end-products are glucose and oxygen.

  1. Artificial Photosynthesis:

1)      Chemical reduction of co2:-

a.  Calcium chloride Treatment.

      CaCl + CO2 + H2O → CaCO3 + HCl

  •     The end-products are Calcium carbonate and Hydrochloric gas.

b.      Sodium chloride Treatment.

NaCl + CO2 + H2O + NH3 → NaHCO3 + NH4Cl

NaHCO3 + NH4Cl → NaCl + NH3 + H2O

  •     The end-products are Sodium chloride, Ammonia and Water.

2)      Photo-reduction of CO2 

  a.       Couple of H2O Splitting and CO2 Reduction.

 2CO2→ Light → 2CO + O2

2H2O → Light →  O2 + 4H + 4 e –

2CO2 + O2 + 4H + 4 e – → Light →   2CO +2H2O

  •     The end-products are monoxide carbon and oxygen.

b. Direct CO2 Splitting.

2CO2 → Light → 2CO + O2

  •     The end-products are monoxide carbon and oxygen. 

c.   CO2 Via CO to liquid fuel (Economical).

2CO2 + 4H2O → 2CH3OH + 3O2

6CO2 → Light →  6CO + 3O2

4CO + 2H2O → WGS →  4CO2 + 4H2

4CO2 + 4H2 → 2CH3OH + 3O2

  •        The end-products are methanol and oxygen.


If we’re going to use a Photo-reduction reaction by treating CO2 with water (CO2 Via CO to liquid fuel method) in the processor device, our ultimate end-products would be Methanol (liquid) and Oxygen. But if we used the direct CO2 with water splitting method our final products liquid hydrogen and other carbonates products.

Types of Etree:

  • a)      Commercial Etree

The one that recycles co2 from fuel plants and produces Hydrogen fuel or (Methanol fuel).

  • b)      Public Etree

The one that is placed on the cities with the highest co2 emissions to purify the air and produce green energy (electricity).  


APT can be marked efficient when completion of the first experiment has done successfully, which may take a year to three years from now.

The Cost

To build the first Etree we need to look out for the materials cost and compare them with today’s market value. Click here for the details about the project cost.
ATP expects to be able to reduce the cost of extracting a ton of carbon dioxide from 1000 to $100 or less within a decade.


  • Reduction of co2 in atmosphere
  • Global warming mitigation
  • Enhance oil and gas production
  • Producing Fresh air (O2)
  • Electricity production
  • Green energy
  • Economical and co-friendly 


  • .       Yet un-experimented
  •       Involvement of many methods
  •       Time-consuming technology


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